Financial Literacy Summer Training for Teachers

August 1, 2024 More Info

Financial Literacy Summer Training for Teachers

August 1, 2024 More Info


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Bring business education to your students.


k-12 business outreach

Introduce business experts into the classroom. Bring business education to your students.


Recent Outreach Events

Financial Literacy Bootcamp for Teachers

Pennsylvania recently became the 25th state to require Financial Literacy classes for all high school graduates starting with the class of 2027. Whether you are a high school or middle school administrator or teacher, get a head start with this training. Accredited...

The Benefits of Going to College at McDowell High

        Dr. Ken Louie, Economics Professor, and Dr. Jeff Coy, Finance Professor, visited Mrs. Carey Barzeski's business class at McDowell High School on Friday, April 19, where they gave a presentation on the benefits of going to college and how to pay for college to...

Student Testimonial - Abby

“The professors at Behrend have been so easy to work with. They make every effort to connect their presentation to the class content and find a way to engage students in the discussion.”

Mrs. Wethli, High School Business Teacher

” I think the presentation has done a great job explaining why we trade; the presentation lists reasons and examples of these trades happening.”

Kevin, High School Senior

” I thought the presentation was very good and I liked the activity we got to do to help explain how trade benefits people.”

Ella, High School Senior

“When I am in a leadership position, or any position in a team really, I need to have self confidence and be open with the team. Without this, there is no trust and people won’t follow you.”

Amelia, High School Freshman

“Specialize in the best and trade the rest.”

Celina, High School Senior

“The outreach materials really helped my students see the career possibilities available to them in the future!”

Career Planning Middle School Teacher

“International trade is very important so we can have access to goods that we wouldn’t have had access to without trading with other countries. “

Tommy, High School Senior

“Junior Achievement has given me a sense of what adults go through with budget issues.”

High School Freshman

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