Marketing Student Spotlight

Bridgette O’Neil

Bridgette O’Neil graduated in Spring 2022 with a dual-major in Marketing and Management Information Systems. To gain experience, Bridgette started a small business in March 2021 called Meraki Marketing. After graduation, she plans to work as a digital marketing analyst/project manager for Jimmy’s Famous Seafood in Baltimore, Maryland.

What is one of the most interesting/unique aspects of starting your small business?

One of the most interesting parts of starting my small business, Meraki Marketing Erie, was getting to know all 21+ of my clients on a personal level while learning in-depth about their core business practices and values. It gave me an entirely different perspective on multiple types of industries!

What has most surprised you about the study of both Marketing and Management Information Systems?

The majors go hand in hand and not only work extremely well together but, when combined, help open more career doors than I would have expected. Having options, rather than being limited in what I can do after I graduate, has made a world of a difference!