Outsourced (2006)

Synopsis: “Outsourced” is a romantic comedy film directed by John Jeffcoat, released in 2006. The story follows Todd Anderson, an American manager at a Seattle-based novelty products company. After his entire department is outsourced to India, Todd is sent to train his replacement and oversee the transition. The film explores themes of cross-cultural understanding, friendship, and love as Todd experiences personal growth and starts to see the positives in both his work and personal life.
Study Guide
- Introduce the concepts of international business and outsourcing: What do you think are some potential advantages and disadvantages of outsourcing for businesses?
- Introduce the concept of cultural differences and stereotypes:
- How might cultural differences impact international business relationships?
- “What have you heard about…?” Stereotype Ice Breaker.
1. International Business Concepts: “Outsourced” provides insights into the globalized nature of modern businesses, where outsourcing is a common practice. It explores the motivations behind outsourcing and the impact it can have on both the company and its employees.
- Analyze the business decisions made by the company in outsourcing.
- What were the motivations, and were they successful?
- Discuss the importance of cultural sensitivity in international business negotiations.
2. Cross-Cultural Communication: Communication breakdowns and misinterpretations occur throughout the movie, highlighting the importance of effective cross-cultural communication in the business world. The film emphasizes the need to understand and navigate diverse communication styles.
- Explore different communication styles portrayed in the movie.
- What language do the characters speak?
- Do they understand each other?
- How does Todd communicate with people?
- How do the employees communicate with him?
- How do characters adapt their communication to bridge cultural gaps?
3. Cultural Differences and Adaptation: The film delves into the challenges and opportunities that arise when individuals from different cultures interact in a professional setting. Todd must adapt to the cultural norms, traditions, and working styles of his Indian colleagues. “Outsourced” also challenges stereotypes and prejudices, offering a more nuanced view of cultural differences. The characters break free from initial assumptions, promoting a message of understanding and acceptance.
- What stereotypes or prejudices did Todd hold about India and its culture at the beginning of the movie?
- How did these initial impressions impact Todd’s interactions and decisions?
- How are Indian characters initially portrayed in the movie? Do these portrayals align with or challenge common stereotypes?
- Identify specific scenes where cultural misunderstandings occur. What could have been done differently to avoid or resolve these misunderstandings?
- Explore how stereotypes and prejudices affect the relationships between Todd and his Indian colleagues.
- What strategies do characters employ to foster cultural understanding?
- Discuss instances in the movie where characters break away from stereotypes.