Study Guide The Intern

The Intern (2015)

Synopsis: “The Intern” is a comedy-drama film directed by Nancy Meyers. The story revolves around Ben Whittaker, a 70-year-old widower, who becomes an intern at an online fashion retailer founded by Jules Ostin. The film explores themes of generational differences, workplace dynamics, and the value of experience in a modern business setting.

Study Guide

1. Generational Differences:

  • Discuss the generational gap between Ben Whittaker and the younger employees at the company.
  • Explore how different generations approach work, technology, and communication.
  • Encourage students to reflect on the stereotypes associated with different age groups and how the movie challenges or reinforces them.

2. Leadership and Management:

  • Analyze Jules Ostin’s leadership style and her challenges as a young CEO.
  • Examine the mentorship relationship between Ben and Jules and how it impacts the workplace.
  • Discuss the qualities of effective leaders and managers portrayed in the film.

3. Work-Life Balance:

  • Explore the concept of work-life balance as depicted in the movie.
  • Discuss the challenges faced by Jules in managing her professional and personal life.
  • Encourage students to reflect on their own views on work-life balance and how it may differ across generations.

4. Entrepreneurship and Startups:

  • Examine the challenges and successes of the startup environment portrayed in the film.
  • Discuss the importance of innovation, risk-taking, and adaptability in the business world.
  • Explore how the company in the movie addresses competition and market trends.

5. Gender Dynamics:

  • Examine the portrayal of gender dynamics in the workplace, particularly in leadership roles.
  • Discuss the challenges faced by Jules as a female CEO and how the film addresses gender stereotypes.
  • Explore the importance of diversity and inclusion in a business setting.
