
Welcome to the Penn State Science Policy Society!

We are here to bring scientists and the community closer together, to teach and learn about science policy and the related issues we all deal with, and to help each other with opportunities and advancements in any scientific field we wish to pursue.  The best way to bring everyone together on progressive science policy is to make sure that information is clear, accessible, and interesting.  Check back here, on Facebook, and Twitter often for news on current issues, posts from scientists in different fields, and interesting highlights from the scientific world.

If you are interested in joining, curious about what we do, or just have a question, feel free to email us at sps@psu.edu or check us out on Instagram, LinkedIn, or Twitter!

Check out our calendar for the most up-to-date info on our events and meetings!


STEM Outreach Workshop

The Science Policy Society hosted a practical training on STEM outreach for graduate students on June 5th with sponsorship from NSPN and AAUW State College Branch. This event  featureed mini-lectures and breakout sessions led by Penn State outreach experts from the Center for Science and the Schools, the Center for Nanoscale Science, the Museum Consortium, Discovery Space, and Eberly College of Science Office of Science Outreach.

NSPN and AAUW Sponsorship

This spring, SPS was awarded a Chapter Microgrant from NSPN and a STEM Committee Minigrant from American Association of Women in University State College Branch. These funds will support an upcoming STEM Outreach Workshop. An SPS member was also awarded a travel grant to attend the NSPN National Conference.


April Science on Tap

The next Science on Tap will be Thursday, April 25th, 6–8 PM at Axemann Brewery. This month’s theme is clinical psychology. Talks will run from 7–8 PM. We hope to see you there!

NSPN Chapter Spotlight

SPS was recently featured in the National Science Policy Society’s Chapter Spotlight! Check out the article to learn more about our Chapter from Hanna, Emilee, and Viky.

National Society Memberships

To encourage member engagement in national science policy groups, SPS will reimburse up to 10 members each if they become members of AAAS and/or NSPN. Contact us at sps@psu.edu to process your reimbursement.

Science on Tap Nominations

Speakers wanted! Each month we host a talk from two researchers on separate, but related topics. The style of the talk is very high-level and should be accessible to a general audience. We try to highlight interesting scientific research in a way that anyone can understand. While we typically give priority to professors, we also will occasionally accept graduate student or postdoc speakers. If you, or someone you know would give a good talk, let us know by filling out the form here. Navigate to our Science on Tap page under the “Events & Programs” tab to learn more about this program!

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