Get Involved!

If you are interested in joining the Science Policy Society at Penn State, we have a number of opportunities for getting more involved throughout the year! Show up to our next GBM for the most up-to-date info on our upcoming events and efforts, and to meet our EBoard! If you have a topic that you’re passionate about, an event in mind, or just want more information, email us at!

Committees and Special Events

Advocacy Committee

A large part of science policy involvement at the student-level is participating in science policy writing opportunities including journal articles and public comments. As scientists, we have valuable insight on technical details addressed regularly by policy. If you have a writing topic or opportunity in mind, or just want to see what opportunities SPS members are currently pursuing, reach out at the email above! 

    Science on Tap Committee

    Science on Tap is a monthly event where we invite Penn State researchers and local community scientists/interest groups to talk about their research and work in a high-level way that can be accessible to the general public. If you have a topic, speaker, or group in mind, see the nomination form on the Science on Tap page. If you’re interested in helping with event organization or day-of set up, reach out to the email above!

    Science Insider Committee

    Science Insider is an event series highlighting hot topics in science and science policy through informal lunch meetings. If you have a topic you’d like to see in an upcoming event, reach out to the email above!

    Annual Science Policy Symposium

    The annual science policy symposium is a 1-day event that features presentations and breakout sessions by science policy professionals at Penn State and beyond in many different areas of science policy. If you have a speaker or topic in mind or would like to help with event planning or day-of volunteering, reach out to the email above.  

    Elementary Explorers Committee

    Elementary Explorers is an event series for K-5 science outreach at Schlow Library and Bellefonte Youth Center. If you’re interested in helping with event planning or day-of volunteering, reach out to the email above.

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