RCL #1- It’s What I Do

Passion, as defined by Merriam-Webster, is “a strong liking or desire for or devotion to some activity, action or concept”. In other words a passion is something that makes you very happy. As a young man that just moved 422 miles away from my home to join a new community, it feels as if my passions are sometimes the only thing that can keep me from being bogged down in this overwhelming experience.


My love for sports comes to mind very quickly when I think of my passions. Sports have always been something I enjoyed learning about, playing, and watching. It was never just on the surface level either, I read about stats, how players interacted with one another, and the stories behind the players themselves. It is that last point which leads into another one of my passions which is Psychology and more specifically, how people act. I often find myself wondering what makes people act certain ways. Questions can come to mind like why does one person get there work done right away while I procrastinate till the last minute or how can someone say Tom Brady isn’t the greatest quarterback of all time? It’s important questions like these which draw me into wanting to understand more about how people act.


With these passions two blog ideas came to mind. My dorm room happens to be on the same floor where the majority of the freshman on the football team stay so my first idea was that I could interview one of the players per blog and write about what motivates them and what are they like outside the sport. My other idea was that I could talk about important injuries in sports and how they affect the team the injured player is on.

One thought on “RCL #1- It’s What I Do

  1. I really liked your idea for interviewing players on your floor. That would be a very interesting blog to read weekly. If you do your other idea about reporting and discussing injuries and their impact you might want to broaden that to weekly NFL news updates just to give yourself more options on what to write about. Perhaps things like game scores, transactions, and maybe even player analysis. Just things to write about in case there are no major injuries that week. I look forward to reading the blog and of course, go Pats.

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