What are the requirements to register for internship?
The Recreation, Park and Tourism Management’s Internship is, for most students, a full-time academic load for one semester (or summer session). Generally, the Internship experience involves 40 hours per week for a period of 12 consecutive weeks. Successful completion of the RPTM Internship is required of each student seeking a Bachelor of Science degree in Recreation, Park and Tourism Management in the options of community/commercial recreation and outdoor recreation. Students planning to complete their internship must enroll in RPTM 495A and pay full tuition for 12 credits. (Note: Students may apply for exception on the full-time academic internship and, under special circumstances, apply for approval to complete the 12 credits in two (2) contiguous semesters of 6 semesters each. A third option, if approved, allows students to complete classes and a capstone project under the supervision of an RPTM faculty member in lieu of the on-site experience).
To register for any of the three (3) options to complete RPTM 495A, students must have completed at least 89 credits toward the degree prior. We also strongly suggest that you have completed the core courses in the RPTM major including RPTM 101, 120, 236, 277, 390, 433W and 410. Internship agencies will be expecting you to have basic skills and knowledge from those core courses. You must also have completed your 300 hours Student Engagement Experience and have passed RPTM 394 and RPTM 456 with a C or better. A minimum 2.0 GPA is required to be in the major and to register for RPTM 495A. Certification in Adult CPR and Basic First Aid is also a requirement for registering for one of the three options of RPTM 495A.
What are the requirements to select an internship agency?
The agency must provide recreation, park, tourism or event planning services. Working closely with the RPTM Academic Advisor and the RPTM Internship Coordinator, students should select an agency that meets his/her career goals. The job description for your internship should reflect the skills and knowledge of RPTM. Agencies that are primarily retail, food and beverage or provide services that fall outside of the parameters of RPTM would not be appropriate for an RPTM internship. If you have questions if an agency is appropriate, check with the RPTM Academic Advisor or RPTM Internship Coordinator.
Do I really have to pay tuition if I’m not going to be on campus taking classes?
RPTM 495A is a required course to earn a degree in RPTM. The credits earned in RPTM 495A are included in the 120 degree required credits. Even though you may be off campus and working on-site at a recreation service agency, you are still working closely with a faculty member, submitting academic papers and projects and earning academic credit. In most instances RPTM 495A is a 12 credit, full-time, academic experience with faculty supervisor so students are required to pay tuition for the semester that they are enrolled.
What is meant by full-time?
RPTM 495A is a 12-credit course or equivalent. In most instances, students are expected to maintain full-time hours for 12 weeks. Agencies may ask that a student commit to more weeks and/or hours per week. Events, holiday programming, team schedules, etc. on-site sometimes require students to work more than 40 hours in a given week. The minimum is 35-40 hours per week over 12 weeks. Visit the RPTM internship website to learn about special circumstances (requiring pre-approval) that are designed for non-traditional students who may be working or already working in the field.
I’m having a hard time finding an internship agency, what should I do?
You should make an appointment to meet with the RPTM Internship Coordinator. She can help you identify goals, make connections with agencies, refer you to websites and reach out to agencies where students have successfully completed internships in the past.
I found an Internship agency, now what do I do?
- Establish your start and end dates with your agency.
- Let the internship coordinator know you are ready to submit your materials. Materials are submitted via email attachment. These include:
- Internship Site Selection Form using the form on the RPTM internship website. (Please type in your information in preparation for submission).
- 300 hours documentation Student Engagement Experience form. (Please type in your information in preparation for submission).
- Documentation of completion/current certification in CPR and First Aid
- A copy of your academic audit demonstrating that you have completed 89 credits, have earned at least a 2.0 GPA and have earned a C or better in RPTM 394 and RPTM 456.
- Sit back, relax and get ready to SHINE in your field!
Where can I get the forms I need to fill out?
Visit the RPTM internship website for all of the forms that you need.
How do I know my start and end dates for internship?
Most students start internship on the first day of classes. However, we are willing to work with students if their internship agency asks you to start early or later than the first day of classes. It’s important to note that if you start AFTER the first day of classes, it may impact your plans for graduation if you are planning to complete your degree during your last semester. Grades for internship must be turned in on the last day of classes for that semester. If your agency is asking you to start late or continue after the last day of classes, your grade in RPTM 495A may be deferred which would potentially defer your graduation plan. Please make an appointment to see the RPTM Internship Coordinator if you have questions about your start and end dates.
I got a better offer. What if I want to change my internship agency after I submitted my paperwork?
After the signed paperwork is submitted to the RPTM department, the student will be expected to fulfill his/her commitment to the chosen internship agency. In the event that a student wishes to change an internship site after submitting an approved internship site selection form, the student must make that change prior to the internship deadline and only with approval of the RPTM Internship Coordinator.
What if I miss the deadline to submit my paperwork?
Students who miss the deadline for internship will not be permitted to register for RPTM 495A and will be encouraged to prepare for the next available semester. Internship is a highly independent learning opportunity. Students who rush to pick an agency or aren’t prepared to complete their internship generally do not do well. Students should begin the process of selection and completion of pre-requisites such as 300 hours of Student Engagement Experience and registration for CPR/FIRST AID classes well in advance of the deadline.
What if the agency will not be able to tell me if I have the internship prior to the internship deadline date?
Extensions are not generally granted beyond the deadline to submit paperwork for internship. If you are having difficulty finding an internship agency or securing the pre-internship materials by the deadline, please make an appointment to see the RPTM Internship Coordinator.
What if my agency asks me for an affiliate agreement?
Contact the RPTM Internship Coordinator who will take the appropriate action to ensure that your agency becomes affiliated,if required by the agency.
How and when will I know who my Penn State faculty supervisor is?
Faculty Supervisors are assigned after all students have submitted materials and we have a sense of how many students are enrolled in RPTM 495A for that semester. You will know who your supervisor will be prior to leaving Penn State. When you arrive at your Internship site, your supervisor will have received information from RPTM Internship Coordinator. This information includes suggestions, best practices and contact information for RPTM/PSU.
I got to my internship site and still have questions. What do I do?
All of the information that you need can be found at the RPTM internship website. You may be assigned a faculty advisor for the duration of your internship. In most instances, that supervisor will be Patty Kleban, RPTM internship coordinator at 814-571-4468.
I still have questions. How can I reach the RPTM Internship Coordinator?
The RPTM Internship Coordinator is Patty Kleban. You can reach her via email at plk4@psu.edu, or by calling 814-571-4468 to make an appointment or use email at plk4@psu.edu to set up an appointment on ZOOM.