The Recreation, Park and Tourism Management’s Internship is generally considered to be a full-time academic load for one semester (or summer session). Generally, the Internship experience involves 40 hours per week for a period of 12 consecutive weeks. Successful completion of the RPTM Internship is required of each student seeking a Bachelor of Science degree in Recreation, Park and Tourism Management in the options of community/commercial recreation and outdoor recreation. Students planning to complete their internship must enroll in RPTM 495A and pay full tuition for 12 credits in the semester that the internship is to be completed.
(Note: Students may apply for exception on the full-time academic internship and, under special circumstances, apply for approval to complete the 12 credits in two (2) contiguous semesters of 6 semesters each. A third option, if approved, allows students to complete classes and a capstone project under the supervision of an RPTM faculty member in lieu of the on-site experience SEE CAPSTONE PROJECT).
The first and most basic requirement is that it takes place at a recreation service delivery agency.
1 . The primary focus of the agency has to be in recreation, events, leisure services and so forth.
2. We are less concerned about the agency name than we are about the potential job description.
3. The key to consider is if students will gain experience in recreation, park and tourism management.
For example, a front line position at a park agency in which maintenance is the focus might not be considered, even though the agency is recreation service delivery. In that position, there is likely no exposure to management tasks and duties. Similarly, an event management internship with a trade organization or other company might be considered even though the umbrella agency is not a traditional recreation service agency. Event and conference planning does align with duties and tasks often associated with recreation service delivery.
Note: The Disney College program is an excellent opportunity to gain pre-internship experience but cannot be used for RPTM 495A.