The faculty supervisor is responsible for assigning the final grade for the student’s Internship. This overall grade is based primarily on the recommendation of the agency supervisor and the quality (including promptness) of the student’s written assignments.
Unless otherwise stated in writing by the faculty supervisor prior to the Internship, the student’s final grade should reflect the following percentages: agency supervisor’s grade recommendation = 40%; agency supervisor’s grade for the special project = 10%; Weekly Report grades = 30%; Professional e-Portfolio grade = 10%; Visitation Report grades = 10%.
Late submission of Internship assignments (for grade) will be reduced 5% per working day. Assignments uploaded after four days of the designated due date will not be graded and will receive a zero (0). ALL assignments must be submitted for the internship to be considered complete. If all assignments are not received by the end date of internship, the student will automatically receive an F for the RPTM 495A.
Complete/Incomplete assignments include the initial report, assignment calendar, revised internship goals, special project proposal, mid-term and final evaluations, grade recommendation and senior exit survey. Ungraded assignments received will be noted in the CANVAS gradebook as either a (100) if satisfactory or a (0), if unsatisfactory or not received. The grades noted for ungraded assignments do NOT contribute to the student’s overall grade and only those grades that contribute the overall grade are visible to the student in CANVAS. ALL assignments must be submitted for the internship to be considered complete.
Student Evaluation:
93 – 100 % = A
90 – 92.9 % = A-
88 – 89.9 % = B+
83 – 86.9 % = B
80 – 82.9 % = B-
78 – 79.9 % = C+
70 – 77.9 % = C
60 – 69.9 % = D
Below 60 % = F