TED Talk Analysis

Here is the link to my TED Talk:


To begin my self-critique, I would just like to say ignore the first 24 seconds of this video, I screwed up, and I wasn’t quite sure how to edit it out because I am impaired with technology. The reason I screwed up is because when I public speak, I need to focus all my energy into speaking and that keeps me from using energy to think at the same time. So the result is me being brain-dead and having to go out on instinct and hope that instinct is enough to keep me together when I talk. That is also why I seem to have a really limited vocabulary when I public speak and tend to use the same words over and over again to the point where it just gets confusing. It also looks like I am looking down while I am talking, but that is really just because I am looking at the audience who are down low and it just so happens that the camera is a bit elevated.

I think I can do better if I just have a podium and some notes in front of me when I public speak, that way the notes can do a lot of the thinking for me so I don’t turn into a mess. Also, if I start using a bigger variety of words in my everyday language, maybe I can integrate some of them into my limited “instinct vocabulary” and expand upon that, so when the time comes for me to rely on instinct, I will have a bigger arsenal of words at my disposal.

I think I can speak well as long as I don’t stutter or lose my place, which I think can be solved with a podium and notes. But for those times when I don’t have a podium and notes, like I said before, I think I just need to expand my instinct vocabulary as well as maybe learn how to concentrate more energy into thinking and talking at the same time, which can be done with practice.

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