Looking for a 1 credit class? Interested in math- and science-related employment after graduation? Unsure of your post-PSU plans and curious about corporate culture? If yes to these questions, consider taking SC 402 on Corporate Organizations, Opportunities, and Expectations (1 credit) Fall 2018 for information and skills necessary for success in the workplace. Some past expert guest speakers have been from: Agilent, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Metric Theory, NanoHorizons, Regeneron, Semitech Semiconductor, Spark Therapeutics, and Willis Towers Watson. The flier below lists some of the topics covered. SC 402 is offered:
- Thursdays, 1:25–2:15 p.m. in 108 Wartik: Schedule No. 20337
- Web Section: Schedule No. 23636
For details, contact the instructor Dr. Ann Marie Daniel (amd9@psu.edu).
Here’s what some former SC 402 students think …..
“Interesting insight to the working world and various science-related careers. .”
–Justin Physics Class of 2020
“A new perspective is always valuable. With an opportunity like SC 402, we gain new perspectives in a subject that many have zero exposure to. Seeing how alumni have created their careers was invaluable because of the unimaginable experiences that each of the one speakers have accrued.”
–Ryan Statistics Class of 2019
“It was a great class that taught me a lot about working in many science fields.”
–Samantha Biology Class of 2019
“The class helped me realize it’s possible to overcome this obstacle of ‘job hunting’.”
–Valentina Biotech + English Class of 2020