Yo yo yo… Farming is COOL!

For all of you doubters out there, Farming is COOL!

So, I have been thinking a lot about advertisements, seeing as the Superbowl is coming up, and I’m wondering what makes them successful, and what hinders them. Why do we sometimes laugh so hard we are crying at those Doritos commercials, or are amazed by the beautiful Clydesdale horses in the Budweiser ads,  and other times, we are like meh, whatevs.

I have had many conversations with farmers, Ag teachers, and fellow Ag enthusiasts alike about how we need to do a better job of promoting agriculture. The truth is that a lot of consumers just don’t know what modern farming is. They trust the old farms like in Charlotte’s Web with a handful of pigs, cows, and chickens. What we need to advertise is how modern farming doesn’t have to be scary. It’s fun and exciting, innovative and also traditional, and its producing the food we all eat. It’s about time that everyone knew just how cool farming is!

Here is an advertisement from the Organic Yogurt Company, Yeo Valley in the UK. Their extremely successful commercial and advertisement campaign is accredited with dramatically increasing their product sales, and revolutionizing the name of Yeo Valley across the world!


SERIOUSLY, you guys all need to watch this, its a rap about FARMING! So worth your time! Yeo Valley Advertisement <——- So cool!


You can look up more pictures and information about Yeo Valley HERE It’s a truly incredible story. And the singers in this commercial are actual farmers! All of them are employed by Yeo Valley and routinely work with the cows and the yogurt company! Here you can look at the production of the commercial.  Making of the Video!

Some people thought that this commercial was risky, trying to depict something so “country,” as a rap. However, I personally love it. This is extremely creative, its memorable, shows modern Ag in a positive lights, and even if people don’t like it, it certainly starts a conversation!

So yeah, I knew that you all knew farming was cool! Go home an enjoy some good wholesome Diary products : )



http:// www.youtube.com/watch?feature=player_detailpage&v=wTeLGESY5tc

http:// www.youtube.com/watch?v=eOHAUvbuV4o