Celebrities Influence on Body Positivity

Khloe Kardashian Embraces Her Stretch Marks in Sexy Bikini Photo - E! Online

Social media has taken over the world in almost every aspect one can imagine. The audiences on each platform are only getting younger and younger and they tend to idolize and dream of the influencers or those who get the most attention on each platform. With that influencing power comes a lot of strength that can be overlooked in some ways as their actions can actually be negatively affecting their “fans”.  A huge factor that has become a global issue is the way young men and women are viewing their bodies after seeing what social media deems as the “perfect” body image.

Over the weekend Khloe Kardashian posted a photo on Instagram of the side of her body with the caption “I love my stripes”. With the Kardashians being some of the biggest celebrities in the world, this post did not go unnoticed. Her side of her body showed her cellulite and instead of the common Instagram influencer’s first instinct to photoshop or blur them out, Khloe took this opportunity to embrace her stretch marks and show other people around the world that she has them too and they are just as beautiful as one without them.

Khloe Kardashian has been the idol girl when it comes to her weight loss journey out of her large family as she has spoken about her battles with her weight as well as starting a TV show to help others feel as confident in their skin as she now does. I believe this is enhancing not only her own personal brand image but sending out a strong message to all other influencers and celebrities as well to follow in her footsteps and start embracing flaws rather than covering them.

Instagram is a place of followers never knowing what is real or fake as photoshop has become so embraced and common amongst the platform. As this is not something to look down upon if it is what may allow one to feel the most confidence, I feel it is not a practical or smart PR tactic to spread positive messages to the young followers that form on this app.

The PR industry needs to start acknowledging how important an audience’s mental health and well being is when considering which campaign would be best for a company, brand, or person. As that perfect look may come across as the most successful way of promoting an individual, the messages behind it can negatively affect the followers on every platform.

Body positivity needs to become a common message that is consistently embraced and used when PR professionals are working with celebrities and other social media influencers.

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