Trump’s Response to Meghan Markle

Former U.S. President Donald Trump and Meghan, Duchess of Sussex. 

It is to no surprise that our former president Donald Trump had to make a public comment that was not in a positive light about the Meghan Markle interview. Trump decided in a podcast to explain that Markle is “no good” and overall continued to bash her following her claims of mental abuse and racism inside The Royal Family. During Trump’s time in office, he has made a name for himself that some would say most of his comments may appear to be arrogant and truthfully just rude. He also made several comments that some would deem as encouraging the issue of racism in the past as well, and this one could possibly be categorized with that.

Trump decided to also speak about Prince Harry who was in the interview with his wife Meghan, but he only had good things to say about the Prince and even wished him good luck that he has to deal with her. From a PR standpoint and in regards to my team’s final project expressing the need for diversity and inclusion, Trump should have kept his mouth shut as the issue had nothing to do with him. To express luck to Markle’s husband as he stood by her and said the same things as she did, it can appear that he is being sexist and belittling Meghan either due to her gender or race in this case.

To shut down the accusations and just claim that Markle is no good or lying about the mental abuse she suffered, enhances the issue that racism is prevalent and there needs to be more inclusion and diversity. This can be seen as a research purpose for my team’s final project, as it is an example of a public figure talking negatively about someone having the cp0urage to speak about their issues. My team is trying to make the courage that it takes to talk about these issues more encouraged and give a platform that people can continue to speak and feel comfortable when they need to. Understanding one another and how things affect each other differently is something that we are trying to tackle, and Trump is an example of what not to do. Being able to have an open mind and heart to listen to one another is key in our project and expressing the need for this is our main focus while we create our campaign.

One thought on “Trump’s Response to Meghan Markle

  1. szp95 says:

    We all already know, but Trump is a bully. Belittling someone and shutting someone down for having the courage about speaking their feelings is the definition of bullying. Your project is more important now than ever because of public figures like Trump making people scared to say their truths. It is unfortunate Trump still has a platform to stand on but since he does, we need to make the positive platform bigger and stronger.

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