SNL Host Jabs at Royal Family

Daniel Kaluuya took a jab at the royal family during his 'SNL' opening monologue.

Last Saturday, Saturday Night Live had Daniel Kaluuya host the famous comedy night show and his opening monologue was endless jokes towards the allegations on the royal family, as well as overall the issue of racism all over the world. Daniel continuously made jabs at the Royal Family including stating that since he is black and British, it is “basically what the royal family was worried the baby would look like”. That was only one statement as the rest of the monologue emphasized which does the audience think is more racist, America or Britain.

The allegations made against the royal family shook the world as racism is in more places than one would even imagine as Megan was joining a family without knowing what was in store for her. Diversity continues to be a significant topic for discussion, and more times than not, the discussion is not had as many are always fearful of the consequences if they speak out. The courage to speak out is what we need to emphasize, but it is not an easy conversation to get people involved in.

My team is planning to attempt to make that conversation always be something easy to be done and have no one ever doubt themselves when thinking of speaking out. The way Saturday Night Live chose to discuss the issue, as they do all relevant topics in the world is with humor. As humor is not something one would imagine to be a successful topic when discussing diversity and inclusion, if executed well, it could get the word across stronger just like it did in SNL.

This could potentially be a tactic that my team chooses to utilize but from a PR perspective, it may only be successful for shows or organizations that are based upon humor to use this. When making jokes, especially in regards to the big picture here, it can become very insensitive to some as the main issue is some people do not realize that their words, or jokes, are as offensive as they are. Educating individuals is the main goal in an attempt to decrease the insensitive remarks some make to their peers that are extremely offensive. Also to ensure that the people behind computer screens realize that their comments are hurting others.

Community Conversations is our end goal to ultimately bring all of the issues above to an end. The issues are already being brought to the community’s attention on large platforms such as SNL, but now sitting down to discuss them is the challenge we are ready to overcome.

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