Will this be the end of The Bachelor?

Rachael Kirkconnell and Matt James on a date during 'The Bachelor.' 

The Bachelor is one of America’s most loved shows that catches the audience of all types of people no matter their age. Its popularity only has grown stronger over the years due to media attention and they love the audience forms for the participants and the bachelor or bachelorette at the time. This large fan base is called bachelor nation and whether one would consider themselves apart of bachelor nation or just see the latest updates on the show online, people tend to have a lot to say.

One of the current contestants of The Bachelor, Rachael Kirkconnell recently received a ton of backlash of accusations and proof of her being a racist in her high school and college days. The photos of Rachael being insensitive to racial issues and testimonials from people who claim were once bullied by her for their race or liking someone of another race, surfaced on the internet and went viral. The attention this show receives did not let this incident get swept under the rug and it has been all anyone has been talking about for a few weeks now.

Chris Harrison, the famous host of The Bachelor recently discussed this topic in an interview with a previous Bachelorette; Rachel Lindsay, and it is safe to say he messed up big time. Deciding to use terms such as “woke police” and overall defending the previous actions of Rachael Kirkconnel did not benefit the situation as a whole and ultimately only made it all a lot worst.

Bachelor host hit Instagram with an apology post following with his choice to leave the show after this season for a time to reflect on himself. Harrison said he will not be at the After the Final Rose ceremony after The Bachelor Finale as he feels his actions were wrong and there need to be consequences.

So now what happens to The Bachelor?

This has been a circulating question on all social media as people say he can be easily replaced and others believe Chris Harrison is the show and they cannot go on without him. From a PR standpoint, it was ultimately beneficial for the show and ABC production to remove Harrison from the show in an attempt to somewhat redeem the reputation.

Racism is a conversation that some deem as uncomfortable but is a conversation that needs to be had. As stepping down was a positive choice in this crisis he got himself in, the show should have made the topic more spoken about to spread awareness as a whole.

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