10 thoughts on “Megan Woods

  1. “… hierarchical difference between characters, which made me think of a steep cliffside. Possibly characters coming from and going to the palace could indicate that Medea’s house is low, and the palace is much higher, and she’s separated from that location by a great physical and visual distance that we are constantly made aware of.”

    I LOVE this. The idea of a cliff to represent where one falls is inspired. It is a visual that doesn’t hit the audience over the head, but allows for a constant presence of high v. low.

  2. Hi, I’m Wendy Dann, I’m a freelance director and I teach directing at Ithaca College. Loving this research, especially the mosaic and stone floors that are degrading so that you can see the beauty that once was….and the devastation that is now…

  3. Hello!
    I’m Kendrick and I’m a Scenic Designer. I wanted to applaud you on your consistent visual language across your research, collage, and mood boards. Your text analysis is well done and properly supports your choices and ideas.
    Great Work!

  4. I’m Mark Shanahan, a freelance director. I am impressed by the consistency in your aesthetic- whether in researching stone, wood or otherwise. You have a clear sense of an emotional and visual palette and I imagine you’d be a pleasure to work with because of that fact. Clarity is key!

  5. Hi Megan – Paul Miller here. So… to be honest it was your top image (B&W of the wrecked ship) that initially grabbed my attention. Glad I did because I think you have a very tight vision going on here. Your research, mood board, etc… feel very thoughtful and curated to me, That clarity really pays off in your script analysis. Well done.

  6. Hi Megan,

    My name is Pam Berlin and I’m a director.

    Wow–what a striking and powerful visual metaphor you’ve keyed in to for this play! It really encapsulates your visceral response to the play, and then you back it up with wonderful research and a potentially dynamic , exciting way to present it on stage. As a director, I’d love to begin a collaboration this way!

  7. Hi Megan, I’m Jennifer Werner (Director/Choreographer). I was really drawn to your research. You have a great eye and the aesthetic you’ve assembled is such a rich vision of patterns, textures, and architectural spaces. Crumbling, deconstructed grandeur, even with the shipwreck is really tantalizing!

  8. Hi Megan,

    I love your work! There is a very clear idea and thought process visible worked in throughout the in individual pieces that tie the whole body of work together. Your vision seems very cohesive and well meshed, all of the aspects work together to tell the same story.

    I admire the way you work your materials together, the stone all ‘matches’ and the wood you use complements the stone nicely. I liked your research images that accentuated and defined the color palette. It is uniform and all in the same family of colors, which makes for a visually pleasing design and forces the different textures to define the work.

    The recurring images of water and boats and nature is another thing I was drawn to, the “Time” and “Place” mood boards were stunning and shocking all at the same time, the longer I looked the more I was drawn in.

    Awesome job!

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