This Is Not Me

Anything that can be put into words, video, or sounds is not the Dao. Likewise, my self cannot be shown through descriptions, pictures, videos, or sounds as I am the only one experiencing the true me. The black screen that appears whenever the camera seems to be passing through an object shows the reflection of not only yourself, but the Dao as well. In other words, the Dao cannot be named, but what can be named is the Dao; I am not my reflection, but my reflection is me. Anything and everything that can and cannot be described, seen, felt, or reflected is the Dao and this is how it flows through my life right now.

As you watch the video, focus on the moments where the black screen reflects an image of your self, and think not only about how the Dao flows through the things you interact with most in your life, but also through your self reflection.

The Endless Cycle

In my video, I use the concept that time flows through my life like air. The clock or time in general, tells me what I have to do at a certain time. It’s almost as if time is a light at the end of a tunnel that I must follow and turning back is impossible. This cycle of day and night shows how the sky can catch our attention and curiosity just like the Dao. I showed that the sky can represent the yin and the yang depending on the type of weather that was outside. The peaceful view of a sunny day represented the yin and the rain represented the yang.

Windy day

Dao means follow the flow and this video represents how people follow with the flow, where wind is flows and branches are people. I don’t know my true self, but I hope that l will find the answer to this question. This video represents my soul, feelings and emotions which l things mean the self. Music plays an important role, because this is a part of my life. Music helps me when I feel sad or happy in any life situation, especially piano songs, because they are so soft and charming. The trees are something that makes me speechless, every time when I put my eyes up and see the trees and sky, this makes me think how big this word is. Where a tree is a word and people are leaves, this makes me realize how small I am.