Jacques Rivière


Jacques Rivière

Assistant Professor

E-mail: riviere@psu.edu                                                                                                                     Phone: +1-814-865-9654                                                                                                                   Office: 307C EES Building, University Park, PA 16802                                                         Publications: here

Research Interests

  • Acoustics: nonlinear acoustics, acoustic emission, vibrations
  • Geophysics: rock physics, earthquake physics, friction, granular physics
  • Ultrasonics: nondestructive evaluation (NDE), structural health monitoring (SHM), material characterization and damage assessment, medical ultrasound
  • Machine Learning of Ultrasonic/Seismic Data, Physics-Informed Machine Learning

Research Opportunities

I am looking for a PhD student. Details can be found here.

I am always interested to work with highly motivated undergraduate and graduate students in the research areas described above. To apply, please send a CV and an email expressing your interests.