Black-eyed Children

Before you guess, no, these are not the love children of the popular 2000s group the Black Eyed Peas.

The black-eyed children are paranormal creatures that resemble children around the ages 6 to 16 who have pale skin and pitch black eyes and completely soulless. (So maybe the love children of the Black Eyed Peas?)

Let’s do some history shall we? Some people claim that these children have existed since the 1980s, however, most sources say that the legend actually originated in 1996 in posts written by a Texas reporter named Brian Bethel where he wrote about two alleged encounters with the black-eyed children. He said that he encountered two children in Abilene, Texas with pale skin and black eyes and that someone had a similar experience in Portland, Oregon. In 2012, Bethel retold his story on the TV show Monsters and Mysteries in America, he then wrote an article for the Abilene Reporter News where he described his experience again.

Also in 2012, a horror film titled Black Eyed Kids was produced and in 2013 an episode of MSN’s Weekly Strange featured different reports of the black-eyed children. Both of these things were thought to have helped spread this urban legend along.

This legend even crossed bodies of water and landed in the great land of the UK where in 2014 the Daily Star wrote three front-page stories about sightings of the black-eyed children in the haunted pub in Staffordshire. These alleged sightings were taken very seriously by ghost hunters who believed that the black-eyed children were extraterrestrials, vampires, or ghosts.

Now days, people still claim to see the black-eyed children when driving late at night down an empty road, or outside of their window late at night, or even lurking in the shadows of their room. In fact, many people have reported seeing the black-eyed children standing in the corner of their room during their episodes of sleep paralysis or even waking up in the middle of night because they sensed someone was watching them and in the shadows were these children.

Now, I’ll leave you with a lingering question…

Where are their parents?

**I feel like you can really see my sleep deprivation in this one**

The Clowns


This one goes out to Nicole.

So this one is less of an urban legend and more of a true tale.

Let’s go back to 2016 in South Carolina. It’s the middle of August and reports were being made that clowns were creeping in the woods outside of a town called Greenville. Some kids reported seeing clowns in the woods that were making weird noises and whispering. This was just the beginning.

The clown epidemic spread like wild fire across the country. A man in Kentucky was arrested after he was caught hiding in the woods while dressed up as a clown. A woman in Alabama called the police after seeing a clown in the Walmart parking lot. A teen in New York was chased out of the subway by a clown. Schools across the country were shutting down due to clown sightings. Videos of clowns lurking on the sides of roads during the night surfaced the Internet. Stories of all kinds of clown related experiences were popping up. Everyone wanted to know, “Why is this happening?”

Well, some believe that it started out as a publicity stunt for the up and coming remake of the famous Stephen King movie IT. These people think that the original clown sightings were all apart of a staged stunt to gain more publicity for the movie, but that things got out of hand when all of the sudden unplanned clown sightings were happening. However, no one knows the real reasoning behind these mysterious clowns.

These clowns, while not typically physically violent, were very psychologically violent. Many cases reported that the clowns tried to lure kids into the woods with candy or money or the promise of having fun. Other reports were of threats made by the clowns saying that they were going to harm a school full of children when they were let out for recess or after school. This is what caused many schools to close down for a day or so.

So while the clowns themselves weren’t all too dangerous, the people they were trying to scare were. In many videos posted on the Internet of clown encounters, the people would often get physical with the clowns. In one video a group of guys were in a car on the road, stopped, and facing a clown. It would appear that they encountered one on their drive. The clown was just staring at them and wouldn’t move no matter what they did. So the driver got out of his car and grabbed a bat from his trunk and started to chase the clown and hit him with the bat. (No one knows if these videos are fake or not) In another incident, a man in Pennsylvania stabbed a teen wearing a clown mask to death.

So here we are 3 years after the clown epidemic and we still aren’t entirely sure what caused this. However, this will stick with everyone who was around to witness it in its prime. And it will surely stick with those who were unfortunate enough to encounter one of these clowns.