Communication Science and Disorders (Florida State University)
Background Information: Before beginning my doctoral program I completed my CF year working as a school-speech language pathologist in a high-needs public school district. Students on my caseload ranged from preschool to 5th grade. I provided services at two elementary schools, one of which being a dual language (Spanish-English) two-way immersion program, where I had four students who were dual language learners and used AAC . Prior to my CF year, I graduated with my master’s degree from the University of Kansas where I participated as a scholar on an AAC training grant. Through this grant I had the opportunity to take specialized AAC courses and to gain experience providing inclusive services for bilingual preschoolers with complex communication needs in the general education classroom at a local urban school district.
Current interests: Currently, I am a a scholar studying Bilingual Oral Language and Literacy Development (Project BOLLD). My doctoral studies thus far have not included research with individuals who use AAC, but I am particularly interested in improving home and school based language services for students from multicultural/multilingual backgrounds who use AAC. Additionally, I am interested in improving accessibility to effective emergent/early literacy interventions for both monolingual and bilingual individuals with complex communication needs. Specifically, I am focused on the development and implementation of evidence-based phonics and word reading instruction to further facilitate reading and writing independence among individuals who use AAC.
Dissertation Chair: Dr. Hugh Catts
Sample Presentation/Publication: Wood, C., & Hoge, R. (2017). Average change in sentence repetition by Spanish-English speaking children: kindergarten to first grade. International Journal of Bilingual Education and Bilingualism, DOI: 10.1080/13670050.2017.1308310
Presentation Topic: Adapted Spanish Word Reading Instruction for Spanish-English Dual Language Learners with Complex Communication Needs
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