Alyssa Lanzi

Alyssa LanziCommunication Sciences and Disorders (University of South Florida)

Background: I graduated from Duquesne University in 2016. While at Duquesne, I was an AAC lab assistants and completed a thesis on an external memory aid intervention study for individuals with Mild Cognitive Impairment. These experiences drove my passion to further pursue research in developing compensatory strategies for cognitive communication impairments. Additionally, my clinical experiences working with students at the School for the Blind exposed me to complex features of eye-gaze and high tech AAC. Currently, I am working in the ALS clinic as USF using many of the skills I learned during my clinical rotations.

Current Interests: My current research focus explores the assessment and development of compensatory cognitive communication strategies for individuals with dementia. I am interested in further exploring functional use and training strategies using external memory aids. Dementia is a progressive disorder; therefore, I hope to explore how the development and use of EMAs evolve as the impairments increase. Additionally, I am interested in training and using tablets to compensate for cognitive communication impairments.

Sample Presentation/Publication:  Lanzi, A., & Wallace, S.E. (2016, November). Group external memory aid treatment for mild cognitive impairment. Paper presented at the American Speech-Language and Hearing Association Annual Conference, Philadelphia, PA

Additional Information:

Presentation Topic: External Memory Aids: Assessment and Intervention

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