Speech-Language-Hearing (University of Kansas)
Background: I entered the doctoral program at the University of Kansas during the second year of my master’s program while part of training grant focused on including children who use AAC in the general education curriculum. Through working with individuals who use AAC and completing a variety of courses on the topic, I became interested in researching effective interventions for individuals who use AAC. As part of my master’s program I completed an investigative case study in eye gaze training for an individual with cortical visual impairment as my thesis project. This study furthered my interest in developing interventions that will help individuals better access their devices and increase their language skills.
Current Interests: My areas of focus in my doctoral program surround effective interventions for individuals who use AAC and the inclusion of students who use AAC into the general education classroom. Currently, I am developing a grant to investigate the use of narrative intervention with children who use AAC. Story telling is an important part of social interactions and effective communication. My goal in using narrative intervention with children who use AAC is that they will have increased language and social skills resulting in closer relationships with typically developing peers.
Presentation Topic: “AAC Narrative Intervention”
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