We are pleased to welcome doctoral students with an interest in AAC from across the United States!
We will post information below as it is posted at the Information for Introductions website.
- Kristen Ackley
- Salena Babb
- Steve Bauer
- David Beukelman
- Naima Bhana
- Cheri Blue
- Sarah Bubash
- Kaitlyn Clarke
- Christina Corso
- Yao Du
- Alaina Eck
- Melanie Fried-Oken
- Jessica Gormley
- Emily Gregori
- Sojung Jung
- Gal Kaldes
- Juhi Kidwai
- Emily Laubscher
- Elizabeth Leatherman
- Janice Light
- David McNaughton
- Jessica McQueston
- Ciara Ousley
- Betts Peters
- Lilith Reuter-Yuill
- Amanda Simmons
- Alyson Spitzley
- Suma Suswaram
- Corinne Walker
- Casy Walters