Special Education and Communication Disorders (University of Nebraska, Lincoln)
Institute for Rehabilitation Science and Engineering (Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital)
David R. Beukelman, Ph.D has been the Barkley Professor of Communication Disorders at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln and a Senior Researcher at Madonna Rehabilitation Hospital since 1985, where he has focused on communication supports for adults with acquired medical conditions. He has co-authored two leading textbooks, Augmentative and Alternative Communication: Supporting Children and Adults with Complex Communication Needs and Management of Motor Speech Disorders in Children and Adults, and has co-edited the book, Augmentative Communication Strategies for Adults with Acute and Chronic Medical Conditions.
Beukelman, D. & Fager, S. (2019, May). Integrating Research into a Successful Career in Academia: Building the AAC Knowledge Base. Presentation at the 2019 AAC Doctoral Student Research Think Tank, University Park, PA.
- Beukelman & Fager (2019) Integrating research
- Full presentation as powerpoint slides