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Final WIP

April 10, 2013 by Audrey Goldman   

For my last WIP blog, I will be writing about my advocacy project and how I hope to get my point across to the public.  I initially wanted to make a video for my project, and that is still the course of action that I am going to pursue.

I think that a video goes well with my subject, the rights of the LGBT community when it comes to marriage and civil unions.  I will include colorful and upbeat graphics, audio, and texts to get my point across.

Additionally, instead of dismantling the many reasons that individuals believe that homosexuals should not be able to marry, I will be focusing more on the benefits to society if they were allowed to, with an emphasis on the positives, not the negatives.

Once my video is complete, I am going to post in on several different social media sites: Facebook, Tumblr, and Twitter.  Additionally, within Facebook, I will submit it to several of the top advocacy groups, with the hope that they will promo my video and my stance.


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