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Posts Tagged ‘2016’

  1. Civic Issues: Ready for Hillary

    February 27, 2013 by Audrey Goldman

    For this week’s Civic Issues Blog, I will be discussing the grassroots movement that is sweeping the Democratic Party: Ready For Hillary.  It’s not difficult to figure out what exactly the movement is, it’s all in the name.  The main idea of Ready for Hillary is that America is ready for Hillary Clinton to run for President in 2016.  It is technically a Super PAC that is a conglomerate for average US citizens, other politicians, members of the media, etc., to voice their support for Hillary if she were to run for office.

    Several months ago, far before Obama’s reelection, Hillary had announced that she would not be up to being the Secretary of State for Obama’s second term, and understandably so.  In her time as Secretary of State, she had traveled more combined miles than any other SoS in history.  It’s understandable that she’d be worn out from that, and that she couldn’t keep at a pace like that for another 4 years.  Many politicians and members of the media have used this to attack her during speculations of her throwing her hat in the ring for 2016.  However, while the President has a lot of traveling, it doesn’t compare to what Hillary’s been doing, so it’s unfair to make a comparison, saying that she may not be up to the presidency if she quit after 4 years of being the SoS.

    In any case, I really hope that she does plan to run in 2016.  Her efforts had been exceptional in her campaign of 2008 and she really garnered herself quite a fan base all across the country.  Additionally, international press and politicians are known for giving her more attention when she visits their countries than when Obama visits.

    It’s time for a female president, in my opinion, and I think that she’s the one to do it.  She is articulate, incredibly intelligent, and though she carries a reputation of being “a bitch,” she gets things done, and she always has throughout her political career.

    If you’re interested in voicing your support for Hillary to run in 2016, you can sign the petition here.

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