
Screen shot 2011-10-16 at 12.24.22 PM.pngexoplanets.org is the Web home of the Exoplanet Orbit Database, a compilation of the best orbital, stellar, and transit parameters of the known exoplanets.  The EOD is not a comprehensive list of every exoplanet claim;  it contains only robust orbital information from peer-reviewed journals.  It also includes updated mass measurements for planets based on the latest research into stellar masses, and sourced information on stellar binarity, stellar radii, and how each planet was discovered.

The EOD can be browsed through the Exoplanet Data Explorers, a pair of powerful and elegant data organization and visualization tools written by Dr. Onsi Fakhouri for modern Web browsers.  These tools allow for detailed data selection, plotting, and exploration. 
The EOD is maintained by Ms. Eunkyu Han and Ms. Ying (Katherina) Feng, both undergraduates at Penn State University.  They also routinely add new features to the Database, most recently stellar radii information, transit time durations and uncertainties, updated orbital ephemerides, corrections to orbital parameters errors in the literature, and illustrative radial velocity curves overplotted on literature data.
Thorough documentation of the EOD and EDE can be found at exoplanets.org and in our peer-reviewed publication here.