Issue on AR & mobile learning

New in 2014 – a TechTrends special issue

We started this year with new energy  for supporting learners with augmented reality (AR) and mobile computers.  As editors of a special issue for the journal TechTrends by AECT, we (Susan and Heather) sought out experts in the fields of augmented reality and mobile learning. The authors offer the field empirical studies and design papers that offer ideas for designers, teachers, museum and other out-of-school educators, and researchers at all stages. 

In this issue, we have nine articles on three themes:

1) Developing & scaling mobile games for learning

2)  Museum exhibits & everyday experiences to foster learning interactions

3. Designing for place-based learning in the outdoors

We are interested if these authors’ perspectives can inform our own projects— so do leave us a comment to share what projects you’re working on.


Students use smartphone to view 3-D images.


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