November Meeting Notes

-Email suggestions for our club to
-If not on the listserv let Allison ( know! Emails for event reminders and updates

Events that took place last month
-Discovery Space > kids really liked the stream table, earthquakes weren’t really a hit with the preschool audience
-Cosmic carnival > natural resource activity went well for less than second grade kids

-Speaker breakfasts are going really well

-Mixer went well and was a lot of fun!
-one a semester

-Lunch Discussions: Bias in recommendations and Imposter Syndrome
-Came up with a list of imposter syndrome things to bring up at the grad student meeting
-Peer resources
-Gong to celebrate little accomplishments
-Q&A with faculty/ shadow CVs
-Let Joanmarie know if you have any ideas for lunch topics for next semester
-After we sent out the letter on bias the faculty had a meeting specifically about it

-WeAreforScience > new coalition
-Group listservs will be set up soon!
-Voices for Democracy Event tomorrow in response to Breitbart Speaker > we have been invited to speak at the event
-Talk to Helen and Virginia about any ideas

-Writing Club
-Undergrads supposed to come in about personal statement, but it ended up being writing time for grad students and personal statements
-Support at Grad Student lunch, department will pay for food
-Invite post-docs to give feedback

Updates on Future Events
-Received a grant from the AWG foundation to provide 2 field camp scholarships!
-AWG has been really good about giving us money so share your ideas so that we can ask for money in advance

-Northeast Section Meeting for GSA in March > AWG will man the AWG booth
-AWG will give us money for registration fees
-March 19th through 21st
-15 people interested in going