Statement in Response to Recent Attacks

March 26, 2021
The Psychology Department condemns the horrifying acts of racial, ethnic, and cultural violence that are proliferating across the country and across our communities. The recent murder of Asian women is part of a larger trend and one that has deep historical roots (learn more here). Over the last year, Asian Americans and people of Asian descent are facing a shocking rise in hatred and violence: just between March 2020 and February 2021 3,800 hateful incidents have been reported, nearly 70% of which were directed toward women. As psychologists, we understand that these acts of hate intimidate, traumatize, and belittle their immediate targets, as well as other members of  the Asian community.

We strongly encourage anyone who has experienced or witnessed such events to seek assistance and to report the hatred (see resources below). Be well and take good care of yourselves and each other.

Report Bias and Hate

Resources for Support

  • If you would like to talk to a peer for support or to get help with resources, the BRIDGE diversity alliance in Psychology has office hours you may attend. For details please contact
  • Penn State CAPS has a specific page for racial and ethnic minority groups:
  • The Paul Robeson Cultural Center provides resources and programming:
  • For employees needing support, the Penn State Employee Assistance Program (EAP), through the EAP+Work/Life program, offers short-term counseling from licensed EAP professionals, by phone, email or in person to help employees better cope with personal, family and work issues. EAP also offers access to Personal Health Advocates, who can help navigate healthcare and insurance systems, efficiently and dependably. More information is available at

For More Information: