Engineering to Win
Our team has put in tremendous effort into engineering an FSAE race car and going to Michigan to place in the competition. This page highlights the some of the works we have completed on the current car. To see how we progress into next year’s race car design and manufacturing, check out our Our Works blog category on the sidebar. This way, we can keep you up to date on what is happening at Capital College Racing!
Side view of original concept car. Iso-view of original concept car.
The 2017 Capital College Racing team fully designed and manufactured a number of items on the car, including the chassis, suspension geometry and control arms, bell cranks, uprights from aluminum 7076, and cast iron rotors. With Penn State Harrisburg’s Engineering Lab, second to only Penn State University Park’s lab, we were able to wholly in-house manufacture the race car.
With diligence and a mindset of engineering to win, the first-year team had designed the FSAE car during the Fall semester of the academic year. Once the design phase was complete, and Spring semester had come, the team was able to complete the car in time for competition and overcome a huge feat: being a first-year team bringing a car to competition in Michigan.