Access CIR data
The research team collecting data about the CIR is committed to working with any interested colleagues, and we share the data necessary for any analysis. To see who’s already working with CIR data, or advising those who are doing so, see the list of project collaborators.
To access CIR data, please contact John Gastil.
- To see the specific forms of data collected about each CIR conducted since 2010, visit this spreadsheet.
- The full set of CIR Statements from 2010-2018 can be accessed in this single PDF: CIR-Statements-2010-2018.
The kinds of data available are listed below. Note that academic investigators need to check with their university’s Institutional Review Board/Human Subjects Division to determine which level of approval/exemption will be required to access different forms of data. Also, be sure to visit the relevant pages on this site to see past research/public presentations and publications (CIR reports and articles on the CIR using these data).
Archival data
Interested researchers can access the CIR research project’s archive, where they can find the binders/handouts given to CIR panelists, the CIR Statements and the voter guides in which they appeared, IRB documentation, and the legislation authorizing the CIR. This should have no Institutional Review Board (IRB) requirements.
Direct observation of CIR
–Video/transcripts of CIR process
–Achival data about each CIR (e.g., what documents they reviewed)
–CIR final statements
–Audio/video of 3.5-5 day CIR process
Researcher observations of CIR
–Observer codings of each CIR agenda segment (by 2-4 people per CIR)
–Open-ended observation notes on CIR process (entered live by 2-4 people per CIR)
CIR citizen panelist surveys
–Brief daily surveys of CIR panelists, with a more detailed end-of-week survey (100% response rate)
–Follow-up surveys of panelists (2 mos. To 2 yrs. later; 40-80% response rate)
Surveys of voters in the relevant state, county, or city
–One online two-wave Oregon voter panel survey in 2010
–A rolling cross-sectional Oregon voter phone survey in 2010
–A mass-email online Oregon voter survey in 2012
–Brief phone surveys in Oregon in 2012 and 2014 (and coming in 2016)
–Detailed online surveys (including survey experiments) in Oregon (2012, 2014, and soon in 2016), Colorado (2012), and Arizona (Phoenix in 2014, statewide coming in 2016)
Voter interviews, focus groups, and usability testing
–Handful of Oregon voter interviews from 2012
–Usability study of Oregon and Colorado voters in 2014
–Three focus groups with voters in Massachusetts (coming later in 2016)