Principal Investigators

gastilJohn Gastil, (, is Professor and Head of the Department of Communication Arts and Sciences at Pennsylvania State University. He received his Ph.D. in communication arts from the University of Wisconsin-Madison in 1994. He specializes in political deliberation and group decision making, and his books include The Jury and Democracy, The Group in Society, Political Communication and Deliberation, By Popular Demand, Democracy in Small Groups, the co-edited volumes Democracy in Motion: Evaluating the Practice and Impact of Deliberative Civic Engagement and The Deliberative Democracy Handbook. John lives in State College, Pennsylvania.

knoblochKatherine R. Knobloch (, is an Assistant Professor and the Associate Director of the Center for Public Deliberation in the Department of Communication Studies at Colorado State University. She received her Ph.D. from the Department of Communication at the University of Washington in 2012. Her research focuses on evaluating the quality of deliberative public processes and their effects on participants and communities. Her work has appeared in The Journal of Applied Communication Research and Javnost – The Public. Katie lives in Fort Collins, Colorado, but visits as often as possible Louisiana, where her family resides, to keep fresh her subtle Cajun accent.

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