Author Archives: Clayton S Bury

The Social Network

The best part about David Fincher’s films is the way he structures them systematically. This film was particularly interesting because so many brilliant people worked on it from Aaron Sorkin on the script to Trent Reznor with the score. With a story as complex as the creation of Facebook, and quite possibly the start of this social networking culture, one would need the best to create the world in which this story is told. I have seen several interviews of Zuckerberg where he denies vehemently about the accuracies in the film. Personally, I think both Zuckerberg and the creators of the film are both right here. I think Eisenberg’s portrayal of Zuckerberg is spot on. The plot of the film I am sure is correct as well, however I’m sure like any biopic film from
Hollywood, Sorkin and Fincher had to make it appear more of a tragic story to appeal to audiences but recreating certain dialogues and situations.  Overall, I think the film does a great job of exploring the world of money and fame, and what it can do to friendships as well as how ambition and ego can get the best of us.