Sustainable Food Systems Program – Student Farm

The Sustainable Food Systems Program includes the Dr. Keiko Miwa Ross Student Farm at Penn State, the Student Farm Club, the Food Systems minor, community food system partnerships, and course-client collaborations. Through our multi-faceted programs, we provide diverse opportunities for engagement with sustainability challenges and solutions in food and agricultural systems.

Job Description: CSFWS students will lead educational tours, plan events, host volunteers, grow and distribute food, and/or serve in community gardens while engaging with local food non-profits and other partners.

Position Availability: Varies by the program’s needs and student’s availability.

Program Hours: Varies by the program’s needs and student’s availability.

Organization Supervisor: Leslie Pillen

Site Location: The Dr. Keiko Miwa Ross Student Farm is a 4-acre sustainable vegetable farm, located on Penn State’s northern campus at the intersection of Big Hollow Road and Fox Hollow Road (just before the underpass for 322 if you are driving from campus or Downtown State College). The farm is easily accessible from campus by bicycle, car or bus. If biking or walking to the farm from the Penn State campus, please use Big Hollow Road to safely travel to the farm. For additional location information visit:

Locations may also vary throughout the community based on programs/projects of the Sustainable Food Systems Program.

Click here for more information about Sustainable Food Systems – The Student Farm.