We <3 Drum Circles - Eco Action 1995-1999

Boycott the Daily Collegian – Protest against Insert Advertisers

Eco Action protest against the paper advertisement inserts in the Daily Collegian.


To the left, Eco Action members participated in a protest where they acted as chopped Truffula trees outside Schwab Auditorium to urge students to use recycled products.

EcoPalooza 1995

Eco Action continued to tradition of EcoPalooza in 1995. They had several bands and dance groups preform, as well as a speaker about Burma.



Free the Planet Conference, Philly 1995

Eco Action Protested outside SUNOCO headquarters in Center City Philly to protest their placement of pollution-emitting refineries in the poor black areas of Philly: Environmental Racism.


Eco Action also protested on Independence Mall in Philly at the Environmental Bill of Rights Rally.

Drum Circles

Eco Action was really into drum circles in the 90’s. It was our thing.


Rally for Women’s Lives, Washington DC 1995


Earth Day 

Earth Day Birthday 1995



Earth Day 1996: The Eco-Bus


Earth Day 1997 – Ralph Nader

Eco Action had a record turn-out for Earth Day, thanks to their guest speaker, Ralph Nader.

Earth Day 1998

Earth Day of 1998 was not as well attended as Earth Day of 1997, but events carried on despite the rain.

1998 Postcard to Eco action

Think Globally, Act Locally – Eco Action 1992-1994


EcoPaolooza was a fall music festival held by EcoAction in the early 90’s.


Earth Day in the 90’s

Eco Action Earth Day celebrations continued, drawing large crowds despite several years of unfortunate weather. Every year, Eco Action helped the Penn State and State College community celebrate the earth with bands, crafts, and games.

Earth Day 1992:


Earth Day 1993:


Earth Day 1994:

A 1994 Daily Collegian article reported the general theme for the HUB ballroom was “Think globally, Act Locally”

Wolf Ambassadors

Wolves were brought to Penn State as part of the Wolf Ambassador Program where students learned about the return of wild wolves across the US.


PSU Recycling Program

The Penn State recycling program continued with bins in more locations and more piles of beer bottles than ever!


Cabin Weekend 1992

Eco Action spent a weekend in a cabin somewhere to hang out and enjoy good company (and finger paint).


Protest @ Pitt, 1994

Eco Action members joined lots of cool people, including Rusted Root, in Pittsburgh to protest the University of Pittsburgh’s investment in the Mt. Graham Telescope Project that would ruin habitat for the endangered red squirrel (the protest’s mascot). The protest was a success and the University of Pittsburgh did not invest.

Rusted Root preforming at the protest.