Monthly Archives: January 2010

Military Deluged in Drone Intelligence –

 "Air Force drones collected nearly three times as much video over Afghanistan and Iraq last year as in 2007 — about 24 years’ worth if watched continuously."  Next issues, similar to information overload in business, is to manage and "fuse" the diverse sets of military data.  Still no substitutes for human-interpretation of the data, though.

Full List – The Top 10 Everything of 2009 – TIME,29569,1945379,00.html

I’m a sucker for top-10 lists. My favorite in this 2009 list is viral videos. It is interesting to witness changing technology reflected in such lists (i.e. videos and video sharing is not that old, while the concept of “viral” videos is even newer).

Don’t forget the one that got away – the major league baseball catch by a fan who gave the ball to his daughter only to see her promptly (appropriately?) toss it back on the field. MLB nixed (and missed) a major league pubic relations coup – that was so 2008.

Face-Detection Cameras: Glitches Spur Charges of Racism – TIME

Design is easy, but good design persists as an illusive science.  This article presents another twist on design problems. I am curious, though, as to whether these designers had tested their systems (and thus chose to ignore limitations).

Posted from Diigo. The rest of my favorite links are here.