Tag Archives: intern

Student Spotlight: Andrew Morris and SAP

Andrew Morris is currently a senior Supply Chain & Information Systems student with an Information Systems Management minor.  I was his MIS 390 professor last spring, and asked him to write about his summer internship at Bristol-Myers Squibb in Plainsboro, New Jersey where he was able to put into practice some of the course concepts.


 Andrew worked in the Global Product Planners department that is responsible for planning the inventory for the company’s products.  Andrew worked with the enterprise resource planning software SAP.  He found this to be most interesting after hearing so much about it.  He primarily dealt with the Bill of Materials and how it is costed.  Andrew’s key responsibility was tracing the manufacturing cycle of key internally manufactured and actively managed products

 Andrew also used Microsoft’s Excel and Access daily.  He says he “got to meet a lot of great people and I learned a lot and I definitely think I will benefit from this in the future.”