Finally a Wednesday without a snow/ice storm! Sort session #8 was dedicated to dealing with the huge volume of specimens from old (2014) Pennsylvania Department of Agriculture surveys. I’ve mounted about 200 specimens—in Hymenoptera, Hemiptera, and Coleoptera—and have been pleasantly surprised by the diversity. I’m sure we’ve added new taxa to the collection and definitely new occurrence data. The bark beetle specimen above is Chramesus hicoriae LeConte, 1868, a species known to feed on hickories. It is definitely the cutest insect I came across yesterday (or ever?), although that probably doesn’t come across in this crummy smart phone photo. It was so tiny!
I also spent a few minutes with a tarantula our volunteer, Justin, recently encountered while cataloging and digitizing our spiders. It’s in relatively poor shape:
But check out that data label. E P I C.
Here is my best transcription:
Tarantula from Lurifico Peru. Said to have caused the death of 4 men. Brought on board alive after 6 mos. captivity {Mst?} Jones Pacasmayo Oct. 6 / 84
Ha ha ha. Wow. Well, I am highly skeptical that this spider caused the death of four men, but that is a great story. I love sort sessions precisely for this reason – opportunities to examine and learn about many taxa, to add our own high quality specimens and data, to dig deep into our historic collection, and to unearth compelling—if unbelievable—stories. What’ll happen next week!