The wings and head of this darner (Aeshnidae) were all that remained from a recent bird feast (presumably) at 10-Acre Pond today. I found them under the power lines. I saw irony in this discovery, as several of the odonates I collected there today ended up with missing heads and wings. But these remains also got me thinking about insect ichnospecimens. Is there a huge collection of bird/bat/shrew/whatever turds, or fish guts, avian pellets, or even insect frass somewhere that would allow us to explore changes in diet over time? There must be. If not we’ll build it here at the Frost. We already have a small “insects from owl pellets” collection!
(Incidentally, my interest in insect remains—in bat guts—is what drew me into the world of systematic entomology.)
UPDATE: We’ve determined this specimen as the remains of a Spatterdock Darner (Rhionaschna mutata).