Monthly Archives: February 2017

A second opportunity

Hello all,

I am more than excited to be back and working as an intern for the Center of Global Studies.  Last semester was truly eye opening for me as I learned more about the field of global studies from professionals in different disciplines such as journalism, history and political science.  Also, I had the opportunity to attend events that I would never have heard of and listen to interesting lectures.  Word of advice: read promotional emails from Penn State and its many departments, you can truly miss a lot if you don’t.  Throughout the previous semester, I was able to strengthen my time management skills, learn and improve my writing in press releases, articles and sending professional emails, team building skills and even my photography skills, which I thought were virtually non-existent.

This semester, I am hoping to further develop my professional skills and gain some new skills while learning about various cultures through World Stories Alive and the world around me from lectures and other events.  I could already say that I am off to a great start, even though it has only been four weeks.  Up till today, I have been able to attend the Korean World Story event in Schlow Library and learn about the cultural significance of the Lotus flower, work with the Farsi and the Arabic presenter for World Stories Alive to create the handouts, put together the first 2017 newsletter which really teaches you patience, and attend the Comparative Literature Luncheon titled “Visionaries: Second Sight and Social Change in Islamic West Africa since 1400” by Dr. Ware.

The most beneficial part of this internship is having the privilege of learning about my Global Studies and International Politics double major through first-hand experiences.