Tag Archives: Open Source

Teaching Web Design and Development in the City of Brotherly Love


I am very excited to be a part of the faculty at Jefferson (Philadelphia University + Thomas Jefferson University) teaching in the B.Sc. Web Design and Development Program starting Fall 2019. We will be working on all things web from a beginner to advanced perspective.

Teaching Open Source Web in Bavaria, Germany


I am proud to be a member of the faculty in the Graduate Program in Software Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Hof, Germany. Ich freue mich darauf, wieder nach Deutschland zu gehen.

Feature image: World of Bavaria.

Open Source User Experience @ Temple

Temple University
Temple University

I have completed a great custom mobile project with some outstanding professionals at Temple University in Philadelphia. I was part of the team to rebuild the primary web presence for the Fox College of Business in an updated version of WordPress, a leading and highly flexible open source Web content management system.

Feature image: Temple University, Philadelphia; Source: Google.

Lead Faculty for New Digital Multimedia Design Program

Penn State University
Penn State University

I was recently asked to take on the role of Lead Faculty for the new Penn State degree program in Digital Multimedia Design. I am very excited to be part of this excellent and highly relevant academic field, especially because it is part of the #1-ranked Penn State World Campus. I will continue to work in my home at the College of IST.

Feature image: Global information, Google.

Drupal and Philadelphia Cultural Alliance

Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
Philadelphia Cultural Alliance
I am working with a great team of professionals in the areas of art, culture, and web software engineering to bring a fresh and flexible user experience to the Philadelphia Cultural Alliance who’s mission is to “lead, strengthen and give voice to a diverse cultural sector that’s making Philadelphia a world-class region to live, work, and play.” Since 1972, the PCA have played a key role in ensuring the health and vitality of arts and culture in Greater Philadelphia.

Featured image: Philadelphia Museum of Art.