Tag Archives: STEAM

Teaching Open Source Web in Bavaria, Germany


I am proud to be a member of the faculty in the Graduate Program in Software Engineering at the University of Applied Sciences in Hof, Germany. Ich freue mich darauf, wieder nach Deutschland zu gehen.

Feature image: World of Bavaria.

Student of Today, Skills of Tomorrow

Penn State

Struggles and Methods of Teaching Web Building to the Contemporary College Undergraduate

As the senior educators in this country, university professors have an obligation to respond to data such as the findings in this report from the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development and the Educational Testing Service on the current state of millennials’ understanding, skill level, and ability to apply these important technologies to real-world problem solving.

“Despite having a higher rate of educational attainment than any previous generation, U.S. students 16-34 years of age ranked lower than most of their international peers in literacy, mathematics and technology problem solving. Those born in the U.S. after 1980 tied for last among the 22 participating countries in numeracy and technology skills, and 16th in literacy. Top scoring Americans in this cohort ranked lower than their peers in most other countries, and bottom-scoring Americans ranked among the lowest in the whole study.” 1

I am currently working on an article that describes my methods and struggles of teaching basic, intermediate, and advanced topics in Web design and development to college students. The intent with this article is to contribute to the ongoing discussion on how to improve U.S. students’ skills and understanding of these fundamental technologies in today’s global world.

Feature image: Old Main at Penn State. Photo by: Greg O’Toole.