Dynein Motility
Dynein Motility

Recently, our lab has delved into the world of the retrograde motor protein known as Dynein.

Using the Dynein adaptor Dynactin and activator BicD2, we can form a highly processive complex (DDB) and investigate the behavior when stepping along microtubules.

In our recent publication (2020, MBoC), we found that DDB transitions between three distinct motility behaviors: Processive, Diffusive and Stuck. These behaviors are likely due to the different conformations of dynein. We developed an algorithm to distinguish these three states and quantify the transitions.







Dynactin p150 Promotes Processive Motility of DDB Complexes by Minimizing Diffusional Behavior of Dynein. Feng, Q.; Gicking, A.; Hancock, W. O. Mol. Biol. of the Cell. 2020, 31 (8). https://doi.org/10.1091/mbc.E19-09-0495