Category Archives: mobile computing

Presentations at the NARST 2015 Annual Meeting in Chicago

In April, I have two talks with colleagues at the 2015 NARST Annual Meeting in Chicago.  The first talk is on our school-community partnership to support bringing community’s concerns related to that environmental sciences into school-based high school science curriculum.  The second talk … Continue reading

Posted in augmented reality, conference, informal science education, mobile computing, outdoor learning, technologically-enhanced pedagogy | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Heather & Lucy presenting at PAEE on mobile computing outdoors

On March 13, 2015, Lucy & Heather are presenting at the Pennsylvania Association for Environmental Education on a talk called,  Engaging with the Outdoors through Mobile Devices.  They will create a conversation with outdoor educators, naturalist, park rangers and others … Continue reading

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Heather is presented research findings on mobile computing

Heather Zimmerman is presented emerging research findings from our team’s COIL grant at the 2nd Annual COIL Research Symposium on Thursday, October 16. The Augmented and Mobile Learning Research Group‘s  COIL grant is a 12-month research project on how mobile computers can … Continue reading

Posted in augmented reality, conference, mobile computing, outdoor learning, technologically-enhanced pedagogy | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Two new articles related to mobile computing to support informal learning.

With my colleague Susan Land, I have two new publications out in the journal TechTrends.  Both articles are in a special issue that we co-edited on mobile and augmented computing.  Here’s details on the issue: TechTrends Jan/Feb 2014 special issue … Continue reading

Posted in augmented reality, informal science education, mobile computing, outdoor learning, technologically-enhanced pedagogy | 1 Comment