First, the good news: the iNotePad HD app will indeed create and edit .rtf files on the iPad.  Unfortunately, that’s about all it is useful for.  iNotePad HD will sync with Dropbox, but only using the .txt format.  Basically, this means you can create and edit .rtf files on the iPad with the app, but you can’t edit .rtf files you already have sitting in your Dropbox.  For now, I’ll have to give up on my dream of editing .rtf files from Scrivener on my iPad.  If I want to work the iPad into my Scrivener workflow, looks like I’ll have to rely on .txt files and lose whatever text formatting that is not supported.  This isn’t a major problem for me, but I sure wish Apple would bring .rtf editing to the iPad.

On another note, the lack of .rtf editing on the iPad is one more reason why I wish the iPad was actually a computer, with an operating system like Mac OS X, and not iOS. No doubt there are technical arguments as to why iOS is better for the iPad, but I can’t seem to get past the perception that the iPad and its iOS platform are locked down just so Apple can take a 30% cut of all app sales.  I know Apple is a business, and as such, it’s in it for the money, but I’d like to see a little more “form following function” with the iPad and a little less “form pushing profits.”


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2 Responses to RTF editing on the iPad & a larger gripe

  1. Dan Tripp says:

    Yes, I read a blog that suggested .rtf editors should blossom with iOS5. I’m pretty excited about what that might mean, along with other things, like iCloud. I’m also happy that my MobileMe subscription will no longer cost me $99 a year!

  2. The good news is that early indications (rich text formatting in suggest that .rtf will be supported in iOS5. I have enquiries out now to try and get a more definite answer…

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