So, I’m in the middle of conducting EBSCOhost searches and saving PDF files for a research project when I notice a “New” statement at the very bottom of the web page.

“What?!? Did I read that right? The EBSCO database has an iPhone application?”

So, I click on the link and my web browser asks for an email address. Seconds later I receive an email from EBSCO with instructions about how to download and register a free iPhone application.

Now I’m in the office, looking at the app on an iPad, using the 2x function, which isn’t exactly pretty; nevertheless, the search function works perfectly. I can find articles, save citations, and email both to whomever I wish.

Of course, I’m already thinking about the application’s problems. There is no way I want to read a PDF article in this application when I have GoodReader or Papers for iPad available. After you have downloaded an article, it seems like the only way to transfer the PDF to a different iPad application is to email the document to yourself and then reimport the file from that email. Finally, and I’m just guessing here, I might have to use Penn State’s VPN service to access the database off campus. (Update: The software does not need a direct connection to Penn State’s network to conduct a search. The authorization key for PSU works on any network connection).

Still, the app is useful. Papers for the iPad can search Google Scholar and JSTOR but nothing else of value to my research. Are there any other electronic database hosts creating iOS applications?

P.S., If you want to try this app, I recommend that you follow the steps that I did above: 1) run a EBSCOhost search, 2) click on the iPhone app link at the bottom of your results page, 3) provide an email address, and 4) follow the instructions that are sent to you via email.

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2 Responses to The EBSCOhost Database on your iPhone, iTouch or iPad (Updated)

  1. Emily R says:

    Glad to hear you like it! There are some limitations with the app but I think it’s a good start and an Android app is in the works. Ebsco has the best app so far. Gale has one but it’s not quite there yet in my opinion.

    You can check our (currently short) list of mobile friendly databases here:

    But, I would actually highly recommend our new LionSearch tool which searches the Cat, almost all of our databases, and digital collections, all in one search. LionSearch auto-detects on your phone/tablet and is pretty slick! You can access it at: or directly at:

    Let us know if you have any thoughts!

  2. Kirt, thanks for this tip! I had never noticed the iphone app before. I am going to try it out, and may recommend it in my classes in the future!

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