Prof. Stuart Selber is teaching a Digital Humanities graduate seminar this spring. We encourage all who are curious about what DH is, about how to begin incorporating DH into their research and teaching, and about how to move forward with a DH project to consider taking it.
English 597E, Digital Humanities, Stuart Selber
Spring 2014, Fridays 12:20 to 3:20
This seminar will investigate the theoretical and material landscape of the Digital Humanities, a new phrase for talking about both old and new practices, and for claiming and domesticating an academic domain, an impulse with both positive and not so positive implications. Our organizing questions will include the following: What is the Digital Humanities? What are its assumptions and preoccupations? Its research methods? What is at stake in Digital Humanities work? How might I enter the conversation? Where are the resources? And, of course, So what? We will situate the Digital Humanities in rhetorical terms, mapping both local and global contexts in ways that illuminate audiences, arguments, and writing opportunities. The seminar will invite students to use their own interests as a prism through which to encounter the Digital Humanities, assuming each will inform the other in some shape or form. Students will also read an array of perspectives on the Digital Humanities, write about those readings, lead a class discussion or two, and prepare a project and paper. Students in all area groups are invited to enroll.
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